We have a partnership with Midway USA Foundation, Pheasants Forever, and Nebraska Youth Shooting Sports Foundation. We believe shooting sports often leads young shooters to hunt and that’s important to our mission.
The MidwayUSA Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity with a mission to help communities and organizations raise funds to support their high school, college, and other youth shooting teams and activities. Thanks to our generous donors, Larry and Brenda Potterfield, Pheasants Forever, Nebraska Youth Shooting Sports Foundation, and many others, we have added thousands to our Youth shooting teams endowment through a matching program. This year Midway USA Foundation, again will have a monthly match for all shooting teams with a MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment. Each month Midway will have $120,000 in matching dollars to add to team endowments. This is DOUBLE what they had in 2018! Every shooting team that receives a donation or contributes to their MidwayUSA Foundation Team Endowment will receive a match. The ratio of what your team receives will vary based on the amount of total contribution dollars received for teams in that month. Elkhorn Valley Sportsman Club has an endowment account through the Midway USA Endowment Program that will be there for the life. You can make a donation to our Endowment at the link below. Search for ELKHORN VALLEY SPORTSMAN CLUB HS SHOOTING SPORTS TEAM and then make a tax deductible donation with your credit or debit card. It is safe, secure, and simple. |